Phase Equilibrium Diagram

Cast irons
Casting is classified as a type of steeel that has been used for long time. The casting is similar to Steel. The casting is mixed of the carbon similar to steel but the amount of carbon is higher the steel which has quantity carbon since 2 – 6.67% according to phase equilibrium diagram between carbon and steel but In industry is produced casting steel which has a carbon between 2.5 – 4.0 %
casting steel has many of type and can be classified according to the structure , shape and distribute of a carbon or(Graphite). thus,
1. White cast iron
2. Malleable cast iron
3. Grey cast iron
4. Spheroidal graphite cast iron , Ductile cast iron
5. Commpacted graphite cast iron, CGI.
6. Alloyed or Special cast iron
1. Gray Cast Iron
Gray casting is a casting steel that, when broken, look at the steel (รอยหลักหรือหยัก) with graphite spreading therefore popularly known as gray cast iron according to the appearance and appearance of graphite is like a corn flakes gernerally call Flakes graphite.
The properties of gray cast iron popularly used in the industry are
1. it able to cast with complex shape because the steel has a low melting temperature and can be fluidity.
2. it is popularly use to make machine compenents that needs size And fixed shape Because it is a steel with a low shrinkage rate And have a low growth rate of steel
3. Popular for turning, milling, drilling, puahing and decorating as needed easily Because the steel is not very hard.
4. popular use to make machine plateform , machine tools and parts because the steel can handle vibration , compressive strength and sound absorption.
5. Durable against corrosion because steel has a film carbon surrounding surface Gray cast iron can be classified according to mechanical properties by classified Tensile strenght, whit popular name begin with G or FC

2. Spheroidal graphite cast iron , Ductile cast iron
Spheroidal graphite cast iron or with many names called Nodular cast iron , Spheroidal graphite cast iron , Ductile iron. it will be named according to the properties of the steel with good toughness and impact strength and called according to characteristics of graphite that shapes Nodule or Speriod.
The property of mild steel in industry
1. Using to make a Parts and Equipment that need high strength and durable torque because the steel can Tensile Strenght , Yield Strenght or Proof strenght
2. Using to make machine platform and machine equipment that moving all the time because the steel can Tensile Strenght , Yield Strenght or Proof strenght
3. Popular for turning, milling, drilling, puahing and decorating as needed easily Because the steel is not very hard
4. Using to make a Parts and equipment that resistant to friction and handle with high impact strength because steel has properties that can be baked and increase the strength hardness of steel. Graphite can be classified according to mechanical properties by classified Tensile strenght, whit popular name begin with GGG or FCD